Interview Podcasts

Last week, students in the Filming the Past class read articles written by members of the Illinois Tech Humanities Department. This week, each group of students interviewed a one professor of Humanities in order to create an audio documentary about that person’s work, and its larger impact and importance.

Students: Please post a link to your podcast (host it on Youtube) in a comment, along with a synopsis that briefly describes the subject matter and tells us the larger point or insight your podcast is trying to make. Also feel free to share your work with the rest of the class using #filmpast on twitter.


  1. Nick Taluzek
    We had to opportunity to interview Professor Halcyon Lawrence. Lawrence received her doctorate degree in Technical and Scientific Communication here at IIT. Her areas of research include sound change and variation, emotional speech and speech intelligibility. Speech intelligibility is the degree to which speech is understood, and because speech is a tool used everywhere in our daily lives it is important for us to understand it. Speech intelligibility plays a role in our technical communications as well as our personal relationships.

  2. Melanie Standish

    We had the pleasure to interview Professor Margaret Power of the Humanities department here at IIT. She specializes in Latin American History specifically in gender, feminism, human rights, and the Right wing. In this interview we spoke to Dr. Power about the right wing Chilean women of the 1970s. She had written an Article titled “More than Mere Pawns” and we wanted to ask her more about her work. Specifically we wanted to gauge her views on Feminism and relate it to the work she did in Chile.
    Group Members: Melanie Standish, Biruk Eyesus, Kiernan Sanders, Rupam Patel, and Alex Kosmas

  3. Brian Shaw
    Our group interviewed Professor Flanagan, department chairperson at Illinois Institute Of Technology. We discussed gender discrimination in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s and how through structured discrimination there was an attempt to limit accessibility of public toilets in the urban planning design of the cities of London, Dublin, Chicago, and Toronto , in an attempt to keep the role of women defined in society.

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